

"Preschool for the whole family"

deals with the preparation of preschool children and their families for the transition from kindergarten to school.

Of course, special features that the migration history of the families brings with them are taken into account.

Dear Parents,

dear legal guardians,

Do you have a child at home who is due to start school this year or next?
We want to make the transition from kindergarten to school easier for your child and prepare them for the learning process in a playful but serious way. Under professional supervision, the children practice concentration, perseverance and take their first steps in reading and writing as well as getting along in a class community.

It is well known that a good start in school life is very important and shapes the child throughout the rest of life.

It is also known that the educational and professional success of children with a migration background largely depends on the level of education and the commitment of the parents.

However, many parents are unsure because they do not have a clear idea of the school and education system in Germany.

For the children, the focus is on the following:

Children's course (6 × 45 minutes per week)

– First encounters with letters and numbers
– Hearing individual sounds
– Understanding of quantities
– Reading aloud together/comprehension check
– vocabulary expansion,
– retelling stories, but also making up stories together,
– memorize poems and
– develop social skills.

The parent seminar aims to support the active pedagogical role of parents.

We talk about the following topics:
– What requirements does the child have to fulfill in order to be ready for school?
– As parents, how do you establish contact with the teacher?
– How do I register the child at school?
– How often does a parent have to visit the teacher?
– How do you help the future first grader to assert themselves in a group and to protect themselves against possible aggressiveness from classmates?
– How to educate a child without suppressing his personality?
– Should the child learn to read and write before school?
– Is the child's bilingualism an advantage or a hindrance?
– Growth and development-related problems in old age.

Working methods: round table, psychological training, role play for finding solutions in pedagogical situations, sharing experiences of raising families, tasks for working at home.

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